Sunday 24 August 2014

handmade name plate.

  post signatureHi friends, I realized its been long I have not posted here. So I am here with an update. My friends were keen in making name plates recently and that caught my attention. Its a great idea to make a hand made name plate when its pretty easy with loads of fresh and imaginary ideas. Well, I thank my  friends Avni Shah, Jhalpa Ghevaria, Pooja Patel, Bhavika Bhayani to come up with this idea and sharing the pictures too. 

Well, the materials used here are easily available. A wooden plank, acrylic colors, baby clay dough or lamasa clay.
Materials use to make lamasa clay are cornflour, fevicol, lemon, zinc oxide and Glycerine.

Here are few pics my friends made these name plates.




  1. Waaw Monisha!!! you are a gifted soul.
    Your talents needs to be recognized.

    Keep it up....

